Monday, October 25, 2010

Melbourne, Australia

Greetings from Melbourne where I have stayed since October 12th when I flew over to attend Business Mastery. The seminar was excellent and I made new friends and I have had lunch with Dave and Lisa whom I met in Fiji.

Time flies and I have not been posting as much as I want. I'll try do a better job the coming weeks. I had a couple of stressful weeks because I realized that I had gone crazy by signing up for Robbins' Platinum Partnership. It is too expensive for me at the moment and traveling already gives me plenty of excitement, so much that trying to plan even more trips became overwhelming. Not to mention the stress I felt around selling my beloved practice and leaving Holland in general. I miss so many people and the wonderful patients I have gotten to know after 16 years in The Netherlands.

I will now continue my trip at the pace originally planned. The only change is that I see Australia before New Zealand. Probably not too bad because it is still only spring here and I didn't really pack for colder climate.  Melbourne is nice at the moment with sun and temperatures around 18-20 degrees.

I have been staying at Tom Dawson's place in East Malvern and had a great day in the city yesterday wih Camilla, his au pair from Sweden. We went up to the top of Eureka Skydeck, with its 300 meters it is the tallest building in the Southern hemisphere.

Last weekend Tom and I drove down to Ocean Grove where his sister lives in the house they grew up in. It is a replica of Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Corbie House' in Chicago. I recognised it right away! After all I am the architect's daughter and I am fascinated by FLW's work. I enjoyed dinner with the Dawson's, went horseback riding in their back yard and enjoyed the view over the ocean down at Ocean Grove.

I have now rented a car for a week and will be heading up to The Grampians to spend a few days hiking in the mountains. On the way back I will drive along a part of the Great Ocean Road. Driving left is a challenge but I have managed to stay on the right (left!) side of the road most of the time. Appearantly one can teach an old dog new tricks!


  1. HI Lene. Just today had the time to read all your adventures and to follow you. I am very surprised with all you are doing and very happy for you too. You are full of light and happiness, that is very clear in all yur pictures, Thank you so much in sharing all this nice things and places with us. Very nice to see you are being able to follow your dream.
    xxx Dora

  2. Hi Lene. Spændende at følge din rejse på den sydlige halvkugle. Gode billeder !Pana'en', tager har selv anskaffet et tilsvarende til Anna på vores ø-hop i Grækenland (mistede vores video-cam på turen, iøvrigt også et damn'ed good Pana). Er du forøvrigt sikker på, at det ikke er 'Frederick C. Robie House' du mener i stedet for 'Corbie House', ellers må du fortælle mig om dette, da jeg ikke kender det. Fortsat god vind på turen.
    K h Anna & Erik

  3. Robie House lyder bekendt, hoejst sandsynligt, for jeg kunne ikke huske, hvad det hed ..
