Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lake Wanaka

I have seen numerous postcards and posters of Lake Matheson with the beautiful reflection of snow capped mountains mirrored in the still waters of the lake and I was very much looking forward to see it. I was prepared to take the perfect picture!

The forecast the day before was 'shadow on the ground'. A ‘perfect’ picture of Lake Matheson, however, requires a few preliminary conditions happening at the exact same time: snow capped mountains (as seen in winter), sunshine (it rains a lot on the west coast), no wind what so ever (screw that) nor any fish or birds to disturb the calm surface of the lake.
The Magic Bus arrived on a drizzling morning with low hanging clouds in the middle of summer. Not bad at all for a picture but not perfect. I did take the first picture, though, but I cheated . I took a picture of a poster I saw outside the information center. I think it is a pretty good picture of the poster!

Lake Matheson 

Lake Wanaka

Next stop was Lake Wanaka where I stayed 5 days and here I got plenty of opportunities to take perfect pictures. I kayaked on the lake, hiked along the lake shore and up Mount Iron, drank coffee at the café’s and got inspired by the iron men and women who competed in the annual triathlon ‘Challenge Wanaka’.

The weather had been beautiful until the day of the Challenge when strong winds made the race rather cruel for the competitors. I met an iron man, Dennis who finished the 3,8 km swim, 180 km bicycle ride and 42,2 km run in 11 hours. He said ‘he had a good day’. Well done!

There is so much beauty all around me that I keep being in awe. I never go anywhere without my camera. I love the contrasts of green trees and blue skies, turquoise rivers, white clouds. Some days it is as if I see more, everything stands out extremely clear. Details pop out I didn't notice the day before. On the next picture I went cloud chasing and ended up on a hill in the outskirts of Wanaka.

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