Thursday, September 23, 2010

Namale, Fiji

Arrived well in Fiji on Monday after a very long trip from the other side of the world and cheked in at the cheapest Downtown Backpacker Hotel in Nadi, just to get the feeling of being a backpacker again. I had almost forgotten how cheap and dirty it can be, and how many years ago it is since I was 21. Today I came to Namale, the complete oppsite - Anthony Robbins' Resort in Savusavu on the island Vanua Levi where I am crewing his events the coming 9 days. I love it already. Tomorrow the participants will arrive, all excited about going thru such a life changing event.

Internet access in Fiji is poor and I have therefore not been able to post any pictures yet. Have patience, as soon as I get to New Zealand in mid October, I expect better connection and hopefully also more time to write. Crewing means 'hard' work all day long with little time for yourself. But how I love the team work and being part of a process that makes the entire event run effecticely and smoothly.

The Fijians sing and dance a lot, it comes quite natural to them. Tonight at dinner there was a Meke, a dance. By singing and dancing they tell the story of their people. I am not sure where in the story the cannibalism was depicted and it is also hard to imagine that it was real only 200 years ago - who would think that of such a friendly, laughing, hospitable people?


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting ready to leave Holland

10 days left…
With the Dutch flag and 16 years in Holland behind me, new adventures are about to begin! September 1st I sold my beloved chiropractic clinic. Also I sold most of my furniture. It was not an easy decision to leave Holland and only time will show if was the right one. I am leaving behind a lot of what I built up in Wassenaar the past 10 years. Friendships and experience will last but everything else I leave behind. However my soul has been restless for a while and I am longing for new adventures; the dormant globe trotter in me wants to be awakened.
Some people say I am courageous; others probably think it is midlife crisis. All I know is I have to make this step at this point in life to find a place I want to settle. But first I will travel to Fiji, Australia, New Zealand and Bali while enjoying the freedom of not having any obligations. I will take a well-deserved six months break.
It is a big step and I sometimes feel I am about to jump off a cliff blindfolded. But I am not blindfolded and this whole process is thought through many times. I will jump, spread out my wings and let the wind carry me. But contrary to my trip in 1982 when I bought a one-way ticket to India with little direction in life, I now have a few more years of experience and hopefully I will find direction as I go.